Monday, February 28, 2011

Visual Literacy Using Comic Strips

Check out Make Beliefs Comix to create your own comics with students in your classroom. Student can play around with thought and word bubbles, characters, background colors, and learn different commands of the English language such as grammar, puns, inferences, and more! I created my own comic and am currently trying to figure out how to post it on blogger. For now, check out my comic strip here.


  1. The sound worked for me! Maybe your computers sound was off?
    I liked your comic - it kind of brings the idea of taking student's outside literacies TOO far, an idea that has come up in some of my classes. Sometimes kids like things BECAUSE they have nothing to do with school, and having that hobby/literacy/talent brought into a classroom could ruin it for the student. The manner in which these other skills were incorporated would need to be done very carefully...

  2. Love the comic you made..the website Make Beliefs Comix seems to be an easy and fun way for teachers and students to incorporate reading, writing, and visuals into the curriculum. Also, I like how students have the option to print their comics once complete. Good find!!!

  3. Erin,

    I loved your digital story/comic that you made. If you get a chance check out There aren't too many I would use in the classroom, many are vulgar and adult themed, but I think you'll get a kick out of them. You really seem to be buying into all this technology, and I'm sure you are going to do wonders with your students. P.S. the comment word bubble thing you asked me about in your comment comes automatically with the wordpress template I chose, so sorry I can't really help you with that regard!
